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September 07, 2024 | 02:27AM | Saturn at Opposition

Seeing wasn't horrible but it wasn't good. I did manage to get a decent looking image and my first shadow transit of Rhea and first shadow transit on Saturn!

I spent most of the night experimenting with the settings I would use when the planet reached the Meridian. This really confirmed to me, in my skies it's just not worth wasting your time photographing planets until they have reached the Meridian or 35° + altitude, so take advantage of this time to plan out your workflow settings but don't expect any quality images as a result.

For future reference here are the settings I used in FireCapture. I took 5, 5 minute videos resulting in a little over 8000 frames per video with a total of over 30,000 frames to stack.

Processing workflow was the basic Autostakert / Registax / Winjupos and a very tiny amount of brightening in PhotoShop.

Unfortunately due to the seeing, there is this annoying edge artifact on the left and sometimes around the rings that happens when the planet warbles around due to the atmosphere.

Saturn at Opposition with Rhea Shadow Transit - September 07, 2024

Before packing it in I decided to pay a visit to Neptune and Uranus. I still can't get a decent disc on Neptune but Uranus was a breeze.

Neptune - September 07, 2024

Uranus - September 07, 2024

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