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August 26, 2023 | 11:27AM | The Sun

The Sun

I recently acquired a solar filter for my William Optics Z61 telescope and took my first-ever photograph of the Sun. My interest was sparked when I read on the NASA website about a significant sunspot that was visible to the naked eye. I hurried to my garage, retrieved my eclipse viewing filter, and there it was a huge sunspot on the bottom left corner of the Sun. This was an exhilarating moment as I had never observed a sunspot before.

Opting for the solar filter for the Z61 instead of the 8" SCT, I was able to capture the entire solar disc in the field of view without needing a reducer, thanks to its wider view. Additionally, I obtained a solar finder from TeleVue, which functions like a mini pinhole camera, greatly simplifying and ensuring the safe alignment of my telescope with the Sun. I highly recommend using one!

My initial observation was through a Baader Zoom Mark IV eyepiece, and I chose an opportune time as there were several sunspots to observe. Later that day, I decided to take photographs, and what you see here is the outcome of that endeavor.

July 24 2023

I was really excited about my first attempt, and now I'm looking into the possibility of getting a dedicated H-Alpha solar telescope. This would allow me to observe more than what my current white light filter permits.

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