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December 09, 2023 | 03:27AM | My Messier Marathon

Even though this picture isn't very interesting or high-quality, it represents my 110th observation from the Messier catalog, completing my year-long goal of viewing and photographing the entire catalog. I began this journey on March 17, 2023 with this picture of the Orion Nebula and concluded it tonight, December 9, 2023 with M89.

The aim wasn't solely to capture aesthetically pleasing pictures, although obtaining poor images of larger objects is nearly impossible (as evident in the picture of Orion above). Instead, the goal was to document each object throughout the year and showcase the progression on this site. In fact, one of the reasons for starting this site was to create a convenient visual guide for myself of the objects I had already observed, accessible on my phone at the telescope.

You can check out my Messier page for the images. I plan to keep the page as it is for now and over the next year, I'll gradually replace the lower-quality images with better ones. However, due to the conditions of my sky, some of these images, especially of smaller objects, are the best I can capture.

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