(READ ONLY)     Allsky Settings for   ZWO ASI224MC
Daytime settings
Maximum daytime Auto-Exposure time in milliseconds (1000ms = 1 sec).
Only applies if daytime Auto-Exposure is enabled.
Deprecated. Use Mean Target instead.
Changes the amount of light in the image. Higher numbers are brighter.
Delay between daytime images in milliseconds (1000ms = 1 sec).
Sets Auto White Balance.
Red component for the white balance.
When using Auto White Balance, this number is a starting point.
Blue component for the white balance.
When using Auto White Balance, this number is a starting point.
Nighttime settings
Activate to enable nighttime auto-exposure.
Maximum nighttime Auto-Exposure time in milliseconds (1000ms = 1 sec).
Only applies if nighttime Auto-Exposure is enabled.
Manual exposure time in milliseconds (1000ms = 1 sec). Can be a fraction.
If using nighttime Auto-Exposure, this number is used as a starting point.
Deprecated. Use Mean Target instead.
Changes the amount of light in the image. Higher numbers are brighter.
Delay between nighttime images in milliseconds (1000ms = 1 sec).
Activate to enable nighttime Auto-Gain.
Manually sets the light sensitivity of the camera.
A high number returns a brighter image but more noise too.
Binning level. 1x1 = OFF.
Activate to enable Auto White Balance (camera adjusts color).
Red component for the white balance.
When using Auto White Balance, this number is a starting point.
Blue component for the white balance.
When using Auto White Balance, this number is a starting point.
Both daytime and nighttime settings
Image width in pixels. 0 = max sensor width.
Image height in pixels. 0 = max sensor height.
JPG quality: 0-100. Higher numbers produce larger, clearer files.
PNG compression: 0-9. Higher numbers produce smaller files but take longer to save.
Flips the image along an axis.
Activate to display notification images, e.g., 'Camera is off during the day'.
While these messages appear in the WebUI and Allsky Website, they are not saved so don't appear in timelapse, startrails, or keograms.
Determines the format of the displayed time. Run 'man 3 strftime' to see the options.
Camera latitude - a number with a sign (-90 to +90) or a positive number with direction (N or S), for example: 60.7N.
Camera longitude - a number with a sign (-180 to +180) or a positive number with a direction (E or W), for example: 135.05W.
Altitude of the Sun in degrees relative to the horizon at which to switch between day and night.
Activate to capture dark frames, which are used to decrease noise.
Continues taking dark frames until Allsky is restarted.
Enables dark frame subtraction if you have dark frames.
Your locale, used to determine what the thousands and decimal separators are.
Type locale at a command prompt to see your choices.
Debug level. 0 is errors only. 4 is for Allsky developers use.
Image overlay settings
Determines how image overlays are done.
module supports a visual editor.
When set to module, the overlay settings below do NOT apply.
Activate to display the time an image was taken on the overlay.
Activate to display the camera sensor temperature on the overlay.
Activate to display the exposure length on the overlay.
If Auto-Exposure is set, '(auto)' will appear after the exposure time.
Activate to display the camera gain on the overlay.
If Auto-Gain is set, '(auto)' will appear after the gain value.
Activate to display the Brightness number you set on the overlay.
Text that appears below the optional time with the same color and size.
Extra Text File (enter full path to the file).
Leave blank if NOT using an extra text file.
The maximum age of the Extra Text File in seconds.
After this time the contents of the file will no longer be displayed. Set to 0 to always display.
The line height of the text in pixels. If increasing the font size causes the text to overlap then increase this number.
Text will begin this many pixels from the left.
Text will begin this many pixels from the top.
Font name for the text overlay. Used for both large and small text.
Blue, Green, and Red (BGR) values of text color.
NOTE: When using RAW 16 only the first two numbers are used i.e., 255 128 0.
BGR value of text color.
NOTE: When using RAW 16 only the first two numbers are used i.e., 255 128 0.
Choose between smooth font lines (antialiased), 8-pixel, or 4 pixel connectivity (harder edges).
Text Font Size. The time, if displayed, will use this size; other text displayed will be about 20% smaller.
How thick the text line should be.
Adds a black outline to the text overlay to improve contrast.
Allsky Map and Website Settings
Activate to add a link to the Allsky Website to display the settings on this page.
Only applies if you have a local or remote Allsky Website.
Activate to have your camera appear on the Allsky Map .
The URL of your Allsky Website, for example: https://www.thomasjacquin.com/allsky.
If your camera is not accessible on the Internet, leave this field empty.
Must begin with http or https.
The URL of the image on your Allsky Website, for example: https://wwww.thomasjacquin.com/allsky/image.jpg.
Right-click on the image and select Copy Image Address.
If your camera is not accessible on the Internet, leave this field empty.
Must begin with http or https.
The location of your camera, for example: Whitehorse, YT.
No need to enter country since it'll be obvious looking at the map.
This setting and the remaining ones also appear on the Allsky Website, if installed.
The owner of the camera. It can be your name or an association or observatory, etc.
The type and model of your camera, for example: ZWO 224MC or RPi HQ.
The lens you're using on your camera, for example: Arecont 1.55.
The computer running your allsky camera, for example: Raspberry Pi 3, 4 GB.